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Robot Lifting Attachment With a scissors mechanism

For the FIRST LEGO League 2016-2017 Animal Allies we prepared an attachment for lifting the robot. The idea of the attachment is to show how you could lift the whole robot with a system of gear wheels, levers, and scissors constructions.

Built mainly from LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts but could probably be constructed from NXT sets.

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Image for Robot Lifting Attachment With a scissors mechanism

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Image for Robot Lifting Attachment With a scissors mechanism

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Image for Robot Lifting Attachment With a scissors mechanism

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  • #270
  • 20 Mar 2017

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  • LEGO Mindstorms EV3 45544 Education Core
  • LEGO Mindstorms EV3 45560 Education Resource

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Improving FLL Robot Game. Scissors mechanism for Lifting

The final way for lifting our box robot is by using a scissors mechanism. In this Episode, we would discuss the benefits and advantages of this mechanism.

Improving FLL Robot Game. Our gear system calculation

In the previous video, we found the correct answer for our task and it is 18.75, or is it?

Improving FLL Robot Game. Losses in mechanical systems and especially in gears

Sometimes the answer that you get by calculating seems not to be right. Is it the calculation that is wrong. Probably it is not the calculation, but something is happening with the robot. 

Improving FLL Robot Game. Tasks. Find the number of needed motor rotations.

Connect the attachment to the box robot and find the correct number of rotations of the middle motor that would bring the robot up and forward and would attach it to the mission model.

Improving FLL Robot Game. Teacher's Note. Correct solution on calculating gears.

This is a teacher's note about the math behind calculating gear ratios with for our lifting attachment. It math model we build in previous tutorials is not exactly correct and here is the explanation why.

Improving FLL Robot Game. The planetary mechanism for Lifting the robot

If you've done the calculation following the previous tutorials you would arrive at a result of 18.75 rotations. But this is not the correct answer. The calculation is wrong, because the math model that we've built, although kind of obvious, is not correct. When experimenting the correct number of rotations would be 37.5. This is a large difference. Two times larger. Exactly two times large. Something should be happening here - and this thing is "planetary mechanism"

Improving FLL Robot Game. 9 out of 10 times the attachment should work

How great is the great attachment for lifting that we built in this course? How many times can it lift the robot without making an error? How great are your attachments and how could you test them? - the answer is simple. Just try 10 times and they should work at least 9 of them as our attachment is.

Improving FLL Robot Game. How to calculate gear ratio in complex systems

We calculate the number of rotatios when a gear system is involved. The driving wheel will have to do a number of rotations for the driven wheel to rotate to a desired number of degrees. In our specific case when the driven gear wheel is rotate to about 90 degrees the legs will lift the robot.

Improving FLL Robot Game. Task. 9 out of 10 repeatable operations

The task in this tutorial is to execute the program 10 times and to do it yourself. If you have your attachment then use it. If you have our attachment then use it. But execute the program 10 times and make sure that it works. 

Курсове и занятия включващи този Материал

Този Материал е използван в следните курсове и занятия.

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Image for FIRST LEGO League (FLL) 2016-2017 Animal Allies. Review of solutions with explanations
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Image for Scissors mechanism for Lifting
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Image for FIRST LEGO League (FLL) 2016-2017 Animal Allies. Review of solutions with explanations
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