7. Run 5. M08, M09 - Pull, Lever

Watch the tutorials below to learn how the missions can be accomplished. Once you've reviewed all the tasks, try replicating the robot's behavior and completing the missions on your own!

FLL 2024: Pull, Lever - Minibox box robot accomplishing M08, M09

In this video tutorial, the Minibox robot accomplishes M08 and M09 of the FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Challenge robotics competition.

The Minibox, a LEGO Education SPIKE Prime box robot, uses a detachable attachment to release the camera down the track for M08 Rolling Camera. Then, with a slight turn, it pulls the M09 Movie Set boat model and positions it in its designated spot. Let's take a look!

FLL 2024: 10 out of 10 Pull, Lever - Minibox box robot accomplishing M08, M09

This is a 10 out of 10 tutorial, in which the Minibox robot accomplishes M08 and M09 of the FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Challenge competition.

The Minibox is a LEGO Education SPIKE Prime box robot that uses a detachable attachment to release the camera down the track for M08 Rolling Camera. Then, it slightly turns to pull the M09 Movie Set boat model and position it in its designated area. Let's see how consistent and reliable the robot is!

FLL 2023: Rules for Rolling camera M08 FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Challenge

Getting a camera into exactly the right position to capture a shot requires a lot of precise movement and great communication with the actors.

Release the camera down the track to shoot the movie scene.

Video rules

Youtube video for M08 Rolling Camera


  • If the rolling camera’s white pointer is left of dark blue, but right of medium and light blue: 10
  • If the rolling camera’s white pointer is left of dark and medium blue, but right of light blue: 20
  • If the rolling camera’s white pointer is left of dark, medium, and light blue: 30

If the white pointer is on a colored tile, you earn points for the higher scoring area of the track.

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FLLCasts Tip

It might be good to solve this mission in two runs. You should lift the orange barrier in the first run by pushing its lever. In some of the next runs, the robot should press the lever to pull the mission model or use a long beam attached to the front of the robot.

The advantage of using a long beam to release the camera is that this is a controlled action. Thus, you can adjust the force of releasing so that the camera moves to exactly the right place on the rails.

If you pull the lever, the camera moves too fast and it might reach the end of the rails and return further than desired. In this case, the robot should pull the camera to the desired position.

FLL 2023: Bag 7 - Instructions for Rolling Camera - FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE

These are 3D Building Instructions for the Rolling Camera mission model for the FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE competition.

FLL 2023: Rules for Movie Set M09 FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Challenge

Pulleys, gears, and levers are some of the mechanical technologies used to move props to create the special effects for a movie.

Act out the scene by pulling the boat model along.

Video rules

Youtube video for M09 Movie Set


  • If the boat is touching the mat and is completely past the black scene line: 10
  • If the camera is touching the mat and is at least partly in the camera target area: 10

The camera includes the loop, but not the string.

When scoring, the scene line extends vertically from the top to the bottom of the field.

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FLLCasts Tip

This mission could be accomplished while accomplishing Mission 08 Rolling Camera.

In Mission 09 Movie Set, the robot should drop an attachment that has an axle in the orange loop and pull this loop until the boat passes the black scene line.

Then the robot should push the loop to the camera target area.

FLL 2023: Bag 8 - Instructions for Movie Set - FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE

These are 3D Building Instructions for the Movie Set mission model for the FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE competition.

FLL 2023: Alternative model for Movie Set - FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE

These are 3D Building Instructions for an Alternative Movie Set mission model for the FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE competition.

MiniBox - LEGO Education SPIKE Prime box robot

The MiniBox box robot features a unique design with three perpendicularly rotating gearwheels, which simplifies the attachment design process. This setup allows teams to easily create and connect attachments on multiple sides, making it quick to adjust the robot for various tasks.

Its structure includes walls with a maximum attachable surface area, offering flexibility in attachment placement. This extensive surface allows for secure connections, so teams can experiment with different attachment configurations.

The MiniBox’s compact size is best suited for smaller, lightweight attachments. When working with larger attachments, its balance and stability can be affected, limiting its effectiveness in tasks that require more substantial setups.

FLL 2023: An attachment to partially solve M08, M15 from FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition

A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.

This attachment is designed to detach, once it completes its purpose. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.

FLL 2023: An attachment to solve M09 and partially solve M08 from FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition

A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.

This attachment is designed to be detached, once it completes its purpose. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.

Download the program below and test it on your robot to accomplish the missions.

Adjust the program as needed to ensure it functions correctly under your specific conditions. Keep in mind that external factors, such as the condition of the mat, motors, tires, and other components, can influence the robot's performance.

FLL 2023: Python program to accomplish the FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition with MiniBox Robot - LSAv3.4.3

This Python program is designed for the FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition using the MiniBox Robot.

Note that the starting positions of the motors require the gearwheels to be placed in a specific position. Therefore, it is recommended to adjust the program settings to match your configuration.

Additionally, this program does not use sensors; instead, it relies on the positioning of the mission models and the accuracy of the motors. Since no two motors perform exactly the same, a software-based correction is embedded in the commands to compensate for speed differences. This correction slows down the faster motor to ensure balanced movement. While this is an effective solution, if your robot's motors are significantly faster or slower than ours, many commands may need to be adjusted. Although shorter runs may not require modifications, the sixth run demands a high level of precision and may need fine-tuning to align with your specific construction.