Improving FLL Robot Game. Attachment for lifting using the LARGE 40 teeth gears wheels
Time to lift the robot. The first approach is by using the 40 teeth gear wheels that come with the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and NXT robotics sets.
- #444
- 06 Mar 2017

EV3 Competition Robot by Mic Lowne
The instructions for building the improved EV3 Competition Robot by Mic Lowne
- #51
- 09 Aug 2015
- 2
Say the color
- download the source of a program that tells the color the robot is seeing.
- #l4f29y
- 12 May 2013

EasyBot с поставка за чаша
Този робот е направен да сервира най-добрия чай в целият континент! Базиран е на Конструкция за EasyBotEV3. Както предшественика си, този робот е направен с ЛЕГО Майндстормс EV3. Използва два големи мотора за да се задвижва. Най-добрата част от робота е държача за чаши и чашата, която е в него, която демонстрира перфектно KISS принципа.
- #975
- 28 Jan 2020

Rubber bands, gear wheels and motors attachment for solving FLL 2013 Truck and Ambulance (part 4)
In the final video we explore how to trigger the release of the attachment with just a rubber band. The release is triggered with a gear wheel that rotates in a specific way. This saves speed, does not require additional LEGO Mindstorms motor and is precise enough for a competition.
- #112
- 15 Nov 2015