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Как да сменим посоката на греда от хоризонтална във вертикална.
- #483
- 11 Apr 2017
Как да сменим посоката на греда от хоризонтална във вертикална.
Moving in a grid of objects. That's the large challenge of the World Robotics Olympiad 2015 Junior-High 2015. In this video we would build a robot that can collect the boxes (treasures). The robot would also be able to move around the treasures.
Part four of the Catapult series is again about loading the catapult automatically but this time using EV3 brick, motor and sensor. We use a gear system with a medium complexity along with a "standard clutch" available in the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 kits. As a result, at the end of the video, the Catapult loads and fires automatically.
The video shows why you should not build attachments such as "Crappy Active Attachment For SUV Box Robot". In the video one can see how the knob gear wheels start "jumping", once a force is applied to the lever.
Let's record the values of the Gyro Sensor while the robot is moving and is trying to keep its orientation straight. This is an interesting experiment and we will have to use file access to write the values to a file.
Нещата, които очакваме от вас в занятие са следните:
Учениците задават въпросите;
Учениците ще сбъркат, преди да успеят;
Учениците работят в екип;
Когато Учителят говори, това е важно за всички;
Урокът се чете преди да дойдем на занятие.
A robot that contains balls and releases them. It counts how many balls to release depending on the "treasures" it has hunted on the field. This is part of the World Robotics Olympiad 2015 Elementary challenge.
We have previously aligned to lines with the Color Sensors. In this series we are doing the same program, but with Ultrasonic Sensors that are aligning the robot to a Wall.
The third part of the series the goal is to extend the robot attachment so that we could solve the second part of the FIRST LEGO League World Class mission challenge - to take the loop.
In this video tutorial we would look at the mission run for M09. STRENGTH EXERCISE. The mission is to lift a heavy object in the air. And that could a complex mission. It requires to use gear wheel and the attachment should be quite strong. The tutorial contains only the mission run on the field. We accomplish a single mission.
Showing the same run, but from a different angle. This allows you to see more of the way we sensors work and how exactly the robot positions itself.
The attachment is now so advanced that we can do two tasks at once with it in order to solve the FIRST LEGO League 2014 World Class Search Engine Mission.
Как да бъдете сигурни, че изображението на дисплея ще се вижда, когато програмата приключи.
How can you accumulate some energy in an LEGO Mindstorms EV3 construction an use this energy at a later moment? How does a Flywheel work, why is it important and what is the purpose? What is energy, inertial moment and angular velocity. These are just some of the questions we would answer in this series on Physics and LEGO Mindstorms.
(LEGO humans of course, not real humans :) ). Working on World Robotics Olympiad 2014 elementary challenge. Collecting modules, bringing them together and lifting them. A very funny and interesting competition that we would explore in this and the next video tutorials from the series
Third, and last video of this series on how to use ONE attachment to solve the FLL 2014 World Class missions.
Starting with the World Robotics Olympiad 2014 Junior-High challenge we first catch the object on our path. We discuss a good mechanism for catching and lifting balls that can do two movements with one motor.
In this second video lesson on catapults we improve the stability of the base of the robot. An important feature of the new base is that it is not bending. Use the same principle in all of your constructions to achieve better, stronger robots.
This video tutorial is about understanding the "magic". In this video tutorial, we would conduct an experiment and will look at how exactly does the integral part of the PID algorithm compensate for the error that the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot makes.
This video is part of a series where we show you how our Box Robot accomplished the M07 Swing mission 10 times. This mission has a black and white line parallel right next to it, the only thing you need to figure out is how to avoid the first supporting beam of the swing. The Dominator robot waits to be clear of the beam and then uses the x-y movement of its front mottors to position the lever so it pushes the swing loose. After that the robot moves back and is ready for action again.
This video tutorial is part of the series on how to make your robot 100% precise and accurate. We accomplish the M06. SPACE STATION MODULES mission 9 out of 10 times. The attachment works. Every time the attachment is started in successfully accomplishes the mission. It moves forward and attaches the space station module with the space station.
Based on your feedback we have decided to show you the live process of building a complex LEGO Mindstorms Competition robot without having the whole robot ready yet. We are continuing from part 1 where we finished part of the 'front' of the robot and we arrived at a construction that we didn`t like and would fix in this video lesson.
In this tutorial, we would drive the scissors mechanism and there are a number of rules that we must follow
The final way for lifting our box robot is by using a scissors mechanism. In this Episode, we would discuss the benefits and advantages of this mechanism.
In the video we improve on the robotics mechanism for pushing the different blocks out of the robot container. We continue from the previous video.
In this video we look at the robotics mechanism for dropping the different blocks into the different region on the World Robotics Olympiad 2013 field.
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