Video tutorials -

Store in Arrays. WRO Elementary 2013.
After we have introduced a menu in the previous video, this video focuses on storing the values in an array. It presents a basic use of arrays.
- #221
- 24 Jul 2016

Programming a menu. Storing in Arrays. WRO Elementary 2013.
The challenge for this video is to program a menu that is controlled from the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 brick screen.
- #220
- 17 Jul 2016

WRO Junior-High 2015. Treasure Hunt. Part 4. Program With Arrays
We would continue from the previous program where we used variables and we would change this to arrays.
- #201
- 24 Apr 2016

WRO Junior-High 2015. Treasure Hunt. Part 3. Decoding field color code
The robot works on the field and decodes the different colours that represent the rows and the columns.
- #200
- 17 Apr 2016

WRO Elementary 2015. Field Run. Part 2
Showing the same run, but from a different angle. This allows you to see more of the way we sensors work and how exactly the robot positions itself.
- #192
- 27 Dec 2015