It is a simple problem with simple solutions. You have the back wheel and you must somehow transfer some torque to this back wheel. You can use a chain, or gears or a shaft. Oh, we do like the motors that have shafts.

Необходимо е да се абонирате за, за да достъпите това видео
- #734
- 19 Feb 2018
- Gears, Vehicle, Motorcycle, Learn At Home, EV3, Basic, Construction
Cardan shaft
My first real motorcycle had one of those. It was a Yamaha Virago 535 and it was a great motorcycle. The shaft is sometimes also called the "cardan shaft" and is just a rod attached on one and to the motor and on the other end to the wheel. Of course, there are a couple of gear wheels involved and it is also possible to have a number of rods, but at the end, the principle is the same.
Would this robot move faster or move slower.
Fast and slow is only relative to the previous robot in the course. What you should do is try to construct the robot and inspect the shaft that is transferring torque to the back wheel. See how it works. Before even starting the robot try to guess if this robot will move faster than the previous.
What is the question?
Again the question is about balance, Is the robot falling on one side? When? Can you turn with the robot without the robot falling to its side? How to make the robot turn?
Нинджа – спортен мотоциклет, направен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3
Той е бърз. Има две колела. Той е мотоциклет. Този мотоциклет е построен с комплектите ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3, като е използван един допълнителен среден мотор. Ако разполагате с два среди мотора – чудесно. Ако пък нямате никакви – може да построите Хендълбар – Чопър мотоциклет, направен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3, тъй като той използва един голям и един среден мотор, които са налични във всички EV3 комплект.
Засега този мотоциклет няма сензори. Той служи по-скоро за упражнение в конструирането, но ако му добавите сензори и намерите начин да ги прикрепите, изпратете ни снимка.
Присъединете се към курса A robot a "day" keeps the questions awake, където ще обсъждаме мотоциклетите по-подробно, ще се спрем на това как да ги строим и какви задачи бихме могли да изпълним с тях.
Курсове и занятия включващи този Урок
Този Урок е използван в следните курсове и занятия.

A robot a "day" keeps the questions awake. Version 1
"How to use the LEGO robots to facilitate the learning of robotics by my student at home" or simply put - "what to build now?"
After enrolling in this course we will send you a few (1-2-3) emails each month with a title "A robot a 'day'". Each email contains a robot building instructions and/or video tutorials and/or tasks that should be accomplished. After a task is accomplished we might sometimes ask for a video or picture.
This process gives a structure of the learning process where you can learn from the content. The student participates in a course, but from home and on the schedule that you decide.
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Sport Motorcycle. Drive with a "cardan shaft" (shhwhat?)
This video tutorial shows how the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Ninja Motorcycle robot works. It's a nice demonstration with the robot moving forward, backward, and slightly to the left and right.
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