How far will the robot move for one second?
- #421
- 25 Apr 2017
- 0:50
Try to predict, which distance will be longer - a Move block for One rotation or for one second.
Both experiments are done with a power of 80%.
A question here for a task. If we set the power of the motors to 80 and we move forward for 1 rotation and for 1 second, in which of the two cases will the robot move further away from us? You should try and experiment. Again. If we have the power fixed to 80 in both cases and in the first case we have 1 rotation forward with the power of 80 and then we have 1 second forward with the power of 80, in which case will the robot move further?
Курсове и занятия включващи този Урок
Този Урок е използван в следните курсове и занятия.

EV3 Phi. Introduction to robotics with LEGO Mindstorms
The things that you will be able to do with your EV3 robot by the end of this course are:
Freely move your robot towards desired target;
Avoid obstacles on the path of your robot using sensors;
Follow lines of any shape;
Detecting and picking up objects of any kind;
- 92
- 220:20
- 36

Turning with a LEGO Mindstorms Robot
So far we know how to make a turn in an arc, just like the real cars do.
Today we will see what other options our robots have for turning.
- 14
- 0
- 4
- 3d_rotation 0