This robot has a color sensor and this sensor is used for following lines. Additional Mindstorms EV3 sensors could be place on the robot, like a Gyro sensor or a second Color sensor.
- #301
- 04 Dec 2016
- 2:33
- FIRST LEGO League, Box Robots, Construction, EV3, Light and Color Sensor, FLL, Sensors
We have provided the building instructions for this robot as part of the whole course
Box Robot Two. Fewer parts and one motor. Simplifying a robot. (this will require a course subscription)
The Box Robot also has sensors and sensors are very important for each competition. So, let's look at the sensors in this video.
What we have done is to add a single sensor and it's a color sensor and it's right below the robot and you can use this sensor to follow different lines, to get the color of the field that you are currently at. And this sensor is right at the middle of the robot. So, when you move you can use this sensor to follow different lines. Again, it will need slight changes because the motors are at the back of the robot and the sensor is at the front of the robot but it is very easy to follow. Just find one of the algorithms that we have used in other courses and in other playlist and episode and you can use it. I personally recommend to start with the proportional line following because it is very very fast and very smooth line following algorithm. Proportional line following. Then what you can also think when using such robot when you buy the set you have only one color sensor. Now, if you have a second color sensor it is always a good idea to have two color sensors at your robot. Why? Because is you have one color sensor right here this will give you the opportunity to align to different lines because you'll have two color sensors. You don't need three. You can use this space here to add for example a gyro sensor. And with this sensor you can get the angle that you have rotated. So, it's a very convenient sensor and with two color sensors and with a gyro sensor it is very easy to solve almost all of the challenges for different competitions. So, you know your position on the field you can follow different lines and you can track the angle. As a task what I would recommend is for you to try to add one sensor here, find a way to construct it and add it here and you should add also one sensor right here as an exercise when building this robot.
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Box Robot Two. Fewer parts and one motor. Simplifying a robot.
After the first box robot course and its enormous success, we decided to build a second box robot. This time with fewer parts and with only three motors. The EV3 set comes with one medium motor and this robot will be easier for new teams. It is also lighter and more simple. Take the course and learn the ideas that we have in mind in simplifying a robot. Use this course with students and try to experiment to make the attachments and construction even simpler.
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