The goal of this course is to prepare students and teachers for the challenges on FIRST LEGO League competition and as an introduction here are a few guidance on how to use to course, what to do and what not to do

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- #1697
- 18 Mar 2021
Each lesson in the course consists of robot instruction, attachment, program in Scratch and Python, mission model and a task. Your goal is to complete all the lessons. Build the robot, and the attachment, download the program and complete the task. At the end as you complete the mission, mark your task as completed
We provide a scratch program and a python program. There should be no difference between the two. Our recommendation is to try to execute both programs. The programs are really simple. After you download a program, run it. It will accomplish the mission. Then, try to modify the program. Start from a different location. That's the easiest modification. In this way you make sure you've understood the program and can modify it and use it.
Each attachment demonstrates a principle. After you've assembled the attachment and completed the mission, try to disassemble the attachment and then complete the mission on your own without looking at the instructions. The goal here is not to memorize the attachment, but to understand its principles and to try to build your own attachment that follows the same principle.
Курсове и занятия включващи този Урок
Този Урок е използван в следните курсове и занятия.

FIRST LEGO League with LEGO Education SPIKE Prime. "Challenge" competition for 9-16 years old
This is the most detailed course we've ever built on how to prepare for a FIRST LEGO League robotics competition and we've specifically focused on the use of LEGO Education SPIKE Prime as a simple Box Robot. The course consists of 25 lessons suitable for both beginner and advanced students. We build on the knowledge of 10 years of sharing example solutions with explanations for FIRST LEGO League robotics competitions.
This course is one of the popular courses in the FIRST LEGO League Robot Game. The Complete Guide. We recommend you also check out the whole guide.
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Build a SPIKE Prime Competition Box Robot Chassis
The goal of this course is to prepare students and teachers for the challenges on FIRST LEGO League competition and as an introduction here are a few guidance on how to use to course, what to do and what not to do
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