Content for Motorcycle
These LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Motorcycles are, arguably, the best LEGO Motorcycles Robots there is. One could learn a lot by building them and trying to move them. Yes, it takes time, but there is balance, and gears, and cardan mechanism. There are simple motors and motors with cart. There are choppers and there are sport bikes. Pick one and start building.

Хендълбар – Чопър мотоциклет, направен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3
Вземете един мотоциклет и започнете да махате части. Ще получите чопър. Точно като този. Той е направен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3. Има един голям и един среден мотор. Може да завива леко, но когато се движи напред е наистина забавно. На Ninja - Sports Motorcycle built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 може да откриете и „по-спортна версия“.
Засега този мотоциклет няма сензори. Той служи по-скоро за упражнение в конструирането, но ако му добавите сензори и намерите начин да ги прикрепите, изпратете ни снимка.
Присъединете се към курса A robot a "day" keeps the questions awake, където ще обсъждаме мотоциклетите по-подробно, ще се спрем на това как да ги строим и какви задачи бихме могли да изпълним с тях.
- #401
- 07 Feb 2018
- 2

Forger - Chopper Motorcycle with assisting wheels built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Motorcycle, but this time with helper wheels. The helper wheels solve the problem of making turns with the robot. If the robot loses balance it will fall. The goal of the helper wheels is to make it easier for the robot to turn. Small modification, but really make a difference.
- #400
- 17 Mar 2018
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Shotgun - Sports Motorcycle with assistant wheels built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3
This one is also fast. It has assistant wheels, but only to keep the balance. It is built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 sets with the use of one additional Medium Motor.
Join the course A robot a "day" keeps the questions awake where we will further discuss the motors, how to build them and what tasks to accomplish with them.
- #395
- 07 Jan 2019

Buffalo - Motorcycle with a side cart built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3
"You need to step on three points to be stable". This is something you could directly see after building this marvellous, 270+ steps, extremely interesting Motorcycle with a side cart. Yes, we are proud of it. The robot is suitable for using it at home. The instructions for building it contain more than 270+ steps so it is a test for endurance, concentration, passion. The same way driving a motorcycle is.
Or you could just step into the cart, drive along and enjoy the view while someone else is building the robot. Like a sibling or a parent.
Join the course A robot a "day" keeps the questions awake where we will further discuss the motorcycles, how to build them and what tasks to accomplish with them.
- #407
- 21 Feb 2018

Уелдър – супер обикновен мотоциклет, направен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3
Инструкции за вероятно най-обикновения ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 мотоциклет, за който можете да се сетите. Сещате ли се за по-прост вариант? Постройте го и ни го изпратете.
Този мотоциклет има един голям и един среден мотор. Завиването е трудно, но ще опитаме да намерим решение на този проблем. Разбира се, има и други по-сложни мотоциклети, които бихте могли да построите. Като тези, например:
- #390
- 07 Feb 2018

Нинджа – спортен мотоциклет, направен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3
Той е бърз. Има две колела. Той е мотоциклет. Този мотоциклет е построен с комплектите ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3, като е използван един допълнителен среден мотор. Ако разполагате с два среди мотора – чудесно. Ако пък нямате никакви – може да построите Хендълбар – Чопър мотоциклет, направен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3, тъй като той използва един голям и един среден мотор, които са налични във всички EV3 комплект.
Засега този мотоциклет няма сензори. Той служи по-скоро за упражнение в конструирането, но ако му добавите сензори и намерите начин да ги прикрепите, изпратете ни снимка.
Присъединете се към курса A robot a "day" keeps the questions awake, където ще обсъждаме мотоциклетите по-подробно, ще се спрем на това как да ги строим и какви задачи бихме могли да изпълним с тях.
- #396
- 07 Feb 2018
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Rider - Even better motorcycle with a side cart built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3
This robot is for learning at home when you have time and energy. It is like having a motorcycle on your own - you spend a lot of time working on your motorcycle, you love it, it takes care, it takes patience. This robot has 300 steps in the building instructions. We've heard a lot of parents with students telling stories how their student could build anything from LEGO on their own. This motorcycle with a cart surely would be a challenge for them. Send us pictures when they are done.
Join the course A robot a "day" keeps the questions awake where we will further discuss the motorcycles, how to build them and what tasks to accomplish with them.
- #410
- 21 Feb 2018
How does the Shotgun Motorcycle LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot work?
This video tutorial shows how the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Shotgun Motorcycle robot works. The robot is a sligh modification of the Ninja motorcycle because it has assiting wheels
- #1365
- 19 Jul 2019
How does the Ninja Motorcycle LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot work?
This video tutorial shows how the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Ninja Motorcycle robot works. It's a nice demonstration with the robot moving forward, backward, and slightly to the left and right.
- #1342
- 12 Jun 2019
How does the Handlebar Motorcycle LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot work?
This video tutorial shows how the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Handlebar Chopper Motorcycle robot works. See how fast it is.
- #1366
- 19 Jul 2019
How does the Rider Motorcycle robot with Cart built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 work?
This video tutorial shows how the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Rider Robot Motorcycle with Cart robot works. You can ride a friend with you.
- #1367
- 19 Jul 2019

Motorka - LEGO SPIKE Prime motorbike robot
- #1066
- 11 Aug 2020