Box Robot Two. Task. Build the right side attachment with vertical axle.
Try to build the attachment following the instructions. Use it to actually solve a mission from any competition (like taking loops)
- #508
- 27 Mar 2017
Try to build the attachment following the instructions. Use it to actually solve a mission from any competition (like taking loops)
This one is very special- an attachment that could lock itself on purpose while working.
Sometimes the way an axle is placed is just not suitable for a certain attachment and you should transfer the motion to another axle a few LEGO units above the current.
Recap on the attachments, their purpose and how you should use them.
In this Episode, we stop at the pinless attachments for the Box Robot 2 and especially for the constructing a frame. This frame is then used for further extending the robot with attachments.
Инструкции за построяване на робота EasyBotEV3. Този ЛЕГО робот е подходящ за ученици по роботика и е един от първите роботи, които строим. Обикновено неопитни ученици строят този робот за около 10-20 минути.
In the video we reach a conclusion. We have energy accumulated and to keep the system turning we need about 1J of energy each second to keep it turning.
One of the interesting things in this sequence of videos is the program. The program detects when the system has reached the maximum speed and then stops the motor from rotating. We detect this with the EV3-G software
Here we start with a second box robot that we would like to build. It is in a way improvement to the first robot and we would take a look at its features.
Active robot attachment for the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Box robot chassis. The attachment is placed on the top of the robot and uses a system of two gear wheels to transfer the motion to a lever and to .... lift things.
Building instructions for a Full LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Competition Robot that could be used in LEGO Robotics competitions.
Това е вторият вариант на EV3 лесен бот. Този робот се използва в началото на курса на обучение на учениците. Инструкциите са лесни за следване и дори начинаещи ученици се справят с конструкцията.
Опитайте сами да поставите сензор за допир на робота.
We've already build a number of resources for lifting at But at the end of this course we would have a robot that lifts itself and hangs on the mission model.
How should an instructor use this course when working with students and a group of students in school
Where should you lift the robot? Especially if you don`t have the mission model that we are using
Build a similar mechanism to this one. Similar, but for your robot. This is the task for you. Try, give yourself half and hour or even an hour.
How to align the wheels and how much should you push for this solution?
Build a rack and try to lift the robot with this rack.
In this tutorial, we would drive the scissors mechanism and there are a number of rules that we must follow
It this episode we would present you with our attachment for lifting the robot.