Small Creature, built with LEGO WeDo 2.0
These are building instructions for a LEGO WeDo 2.0 Small Creatuer
- #769
- 15 Jun 2019
These are building instructions for a LEGO WeDo 2.0 Small Creatuer
These are building instructions for LEGO WeDo 2.0 Forklift.
These are building instructions for a 4x4 LEGO WeDo 2.0 vehicle
Building instructions for the dispenser mission model. The models is used in the Logistics mission of FLLCasts Off-season Challenge 2019.
Building instructions for the barrier mission model. The model is used in the Parking Control mission of FLLCasts Off-season Challenge 2019.
Building instruction for the power switch mission model. The model is used in the Power supply mission of FLLCasts Off-season Challenge 2019.
This is a vehicle that is used to help you to learn programming, to experiment with addons, attachments and constructions. It has a frame. Which is nice. A frame is always nice.
It has two wheels at the back, but this is needed only if you have them.
Building instructions for the truck mission model. The model is used in the Road assistance mission of FLLCasts Off-season Challenge 2019.
This is a LEGO Mindstorms Boxing robot. The inspiration story goes like this "One day we though - Let's play SUMO at this robotics demonstration, but let's make it more interesting. Let's play sumo with Humanoid Robots". We decided to build a boxing robot. The goal of the robot is to press the touch sensor on the other robot and it could be very fun. Perfect robot for demonstration. It is controlled by a joystick using the Bluetooth connection.
Here are the joystick and the programs for the joystick and the robots.
Това са модули за свободно строене на робот, който да сортира пластмасови отпадъци, както е показано в ниво Е. Двата модула не са свързани никъде, а са сложени един до друг, за да ви е по-лесно да си представите робота.
Инструкции за конструиране на ЛЕГО EV3 робот с цветно колело, задвижвано от среден мотор. В задната си част роботът разполага и със сензор за цвят. Може да бъде използван в занятия с ученици за игра на развален телефон.
Подходяща програма за управление на робота може да бъде намерена на https://www.fllcasts.com/bg/programs/kmeat9-ev3-g-myblock-for-rotating-the-color-wheel-randomly
This construction demonstrates one way of using а rack with a gear wheel. It allows to turn circular motion in to a liniar one.
This is the Little Truckie, but upgraded with an arm so it can teach you to be a good driver with lager number of controls. Now you can drive it and lift things at the same time.
The programs for controlling Truckie are at:
Truckie - Easy To Drive VEX IQ Program for Modkit
Truckie Hard To Drive VEX IQ Program for Modkit
Advanced Truckie - Easy To Drive Advanced VEX IQ Program for Modkit
Dwell is a car built with a LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 set. It uses the medium motor for powering the back wheel and one more medium motor for rotating the front wheels and thus turning. Of course, there is a differential at the back.
An awesome ski-jet robot, steering with a medium motor and powered by a single large motor. It also has a pair of inclined treads, making it especially well-suited for the harsh winter terrain.
*There is a mistake in this robot you will have to find. How would you make it work?
Уитики идва от Маори и означава колан (на поточна линия).
Роботът използва среден мотор, за да върти веригата и цветен сензор, за да разбере цвета на топчето, което влиза в него. Веригата на този робот е съставена от 56 пластини.
A space telescope is astonishing, but it can’t beat the accessibility and simplicity of a college or science museum observatory – that is, if you know how and where to point it.
Rotate the observatory to a precise direction.
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
The Sports Utility Vehicle box robot is the new marvelous box robot that we've created. It is designed for teams that would like to learn how to build balanced, stable and working robot chassis following our box principle. It is smaller and easier to build than box robot 1 and it is more simple than box robot 2.
The main advantages of this robot compared to previous box robots are
- motors in the right direction, so when rotating the motor forward, the robot moves forward.
- it is much easier to attach attachments. There are 4 different gears on which you could attach attachments.
- it has a large clearance - which means that it could move over obstacles.
Of course, it has a Gyro and two Color Sensors. Not only that, but we have all the cables shown in the construction.
The SUV Box robot is design to be used with a Gyro sensor and two Color Sensors for alignment. It is not working well for following lines as the sensors are very high and they are very high to allow for high clearance of the chassis. If you need to follow lines we recommend the Dominator X-Y robot
- [How NOT To] Build An Active Attachment For SUV Box Robot
- Simple Pinless Attachment for the SUV Box Robot
Space stations allow us to learn about and even practice living in space, but improved technology and new international partners require modules to be easily interchangeable.
The robot needs to remove and insert modules among the habitation hub’s portholes.
(mission descriptions source https://www.first-lego-league.org/)
Вземете един мотоциклет и започнете да махате части. Ще получите чопър. Точно като този. Той е направен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3. Има един голям и един среден мотор. Може да завива леко, но когато се движи напред е наистина забавно. На Ninja - Sports Motorcycle built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 може да откриете и „по-спортна версия“.
Засега този мотоциклет няма сензори. Той служи по-скоро за упражнение в конструирането, но ако му добавите сензори и намерите начин да ги прикрепите, изпратете ни снимка.
Присъединете се към курса A robot a "day" keeps the questions awake, където ще обсъждаме мотоциклетите по-подробно, ще се спрем на това как да ги строим и какви задачи бихме могли да изпълним с тях.