
Scratch (Word Blocks) program for simple (2 states) line follow with Color Sensor from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
In this program we demonstrate how to program a SPIKE robot to follow a line with the aid of a color sensor. Make sure the line is big enough for the sensor to detect it and react to it. For some thinner lines, the speed of the robot can be lowered, but if that does not help, the program can be easily adapted to work with reflected light intensity.
This program was intended for and tested on the Gazon robot
- #30mt5i
- 10 Aug 2022

Scratch (Word Blocks) program for a multiple states algorith for line follow with Color Sensor from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
In this program we demonstrate how to program a SPIKE robot to follow a line with the aid of a color sensor. Make sure the line is big enough for the sensor to detect it and react to it. since we are measuring reflected light rather than the color of the line, we can and have implemented multiple states line following.
This program was intended for and tested on the Gazon robot
- #nkyhzr
- 10 Aug 2022

Scratch (Word Blocks) program with an a advanced algorithm for smooth line follow with Color Sensor from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
In this program we demonstrate how to program a SPIKE robot to follow a line with the aid of a color sensor. In this program, we use the sensor value to calculate a number to feed in the "start moving" command. The numbers in this program depend highly on the size of the wheels of the robot, the distance between the wheels, the color sensor reflected light range, the wheels friction, and the speed at which the robot moves. The numbers in the program must be adjusted for every case, and are in no meaning optimal to use as is, in other projects.
This program was intended for and tested on the Gazon robot
- #zlb4ke
- 10 Aug 2022

Scratch (Word Blocks) program for forward align with Color Sensors from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
In this program we demonstrate how to program a SPIKE robot to align to а line with the aid of two color sensors. Make sure the line is big enough for the sensor to detect it. For this program to work, the sensors must be placed in front of the wheels.
This program was intended for and tested on the Gazon robot
- #uvj9mr
- 10 Aug 2022

Scratch (Word Blocks) program for backward align with Color Sensors from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
In this program we demonstrate how to program a SPIKE robot to align to а line with the aid of two color sensors while moving backward. Make sure the line is big enough for the sensor to detect it. For this program to work, the sensors must be placed in front of the wheels.
This program was intended for and tested on the Gazon robot
- #oq6j5c
- 10 Aug 2022

Scratch (Word Blocks) program for follow a line and stop at an intersection with Color Sensors from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
In this program we demonstrate how to program a SPIKE robot to follow a line with the aid of one color sensor and detect an intersection with another color sensor. Make sure the line is big enough for the sensor to detect it and react to it. For some thinner lines, the speed of the robot can be lowered, but if that does not help, the program can be easily adapted to work with reflected light intensity.
This program was intended for and tested on the Gazon robot
- #svy2oz
- 10 Aug 2022

Scratch (Word Blocks) program for follow a line and stop at a second intersection with Color Sensors from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
In this program, we demonstrate how to program a SPIKE robot to follow a line with the aid of one color sensor and detect and stop at the second intersection with the aid of another color sensor. Make sure the line is big enough for the sensor to detect it and react to it. For some thinner lines, the speed of the robot can be lowered, but if that does not help, the program can be easily adapted to work with reflected light intensity.
This program was intended for and tested on the Gazon robot
- #5tjgvi
- 10 Aug 2022

Scratch (Word Blocks) program for follow and align with Color Sensors from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
In this program, we demonstrate how to follow a line with a SPIKE robot and then align to that line. That way the robot can position itself at specific distances on a predetermined path.
This program was intended for and tested on the Gazon robot
- #xr01bk
- 10 Aug 2022

Scratch (Word Blocks) program to accurately reach a mission model with basic use of Motion Sensor from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime
In this program, we present an "MY BLOCK" that follows a line presented as a yaw angle from the robot's starting position. If the program acts differently when tested again, then the most likely problem is the direction the robot is facing, when starting the program. Make sure to place the robot at the correct starting position with the correct facing direction, before every test.
This program was intended for and tested on the Gazon robot
- #tv5x68
- 10 Aug 2022

Program for Mintonet - a LEGO Volleyball robot
The programs are designed to be used with Mintonet - a LEGO Volleyball robot.The project consists of several programs:
- Shoot - just shoots the ball.
- ShootWithUltrasonicSensor - this one is pretty much the same, but uses the ultrasonic seonsor infront of the robot as a triger.
- MoveAndShoot - the robot moves sideways until it sees a target and then it shoots the ball at it. This can be either its "volleyball partner" or a box or some other target practice object.
- MoveShootGoBack - the robot moves sideways until it sees a target, shoots the ball and then it returns to its starting position.
- MovePassMove - the robot moves sideways until it sees a target, shoots the ball and then it continues moving. This program is great to be used with second robot and try to pass each other the balls.
- #83uwm2
- 26 Jan 2019

Real Steel Boxing Robots Programs
These are the programs for our boxing robots and their Joysticks. They are made for a game of two fighters with their respective joysticks, fighting until one is knocked out or its "heart" touch sensor is punched by the other robot. The fighters require the two "leg" motors to be connected on ports B and C and the hand medium motors on port D. The touch sensors should be connected on port 1, however keep in mind that the game may be better without them. The distance sensor has no purpose in the program as it is used only for aesthetics. The joysticks require the motor for forward and backward to be connected on port B and the motor for left and right to be connected on port A. The touch sensor operates the hands and must be connected on port 4.
- #cqwn2x
- 29 Oct 2018

Пропорционално следване на линия при роботи с управление на предните колела
Даденото блокче има следните параметри от ляво на дясно:
- Максимален ъгъл - максималният ъгъл, на който можем да завъртим предните колела на робота. Измерва се от изправено положение на колелата, до крайно ляво или крайно дясно положение.
- Коефициент на релаксация - това е коефициент, който регулира колко плавно роботът да следва линията. Стойността по подразбиране е 1. Интервала в който е разумно да задавате стойности е от 0.5 до 2. Ако разликата между стойността на бялото и черното е голяма (тоест черно 10, а бяло 80), коефициента трябва да е по-малък. Ако разликата е малка, коефициентът трябва да е по-голям.
- Стойност на черно - стойността, която "вижда" светлинният сензор в режим отразена светлина, когато е поставен върху линията.
- Стойност на бяло - стойността, която "вижда" светлинният сензор в режим отразена светлина, когато е извън линията.
- #v6t81q
- 09 Mar 2018

Program for keeping the robot straight with the Gyro Sensor (Proportional compensation)
Proportional implementation for keeping the LEGO Mindstorms robot straight. The program will take the value of the Mindstorms Gyro sensor and will apply this value to the steering block. This will make the robot steer in a direction that would put the robot in a straight position again.
- #mnxqf9
- 10 Jan 2018

Straight at the end of the program - EV3-G program for returning to straight orientation
In this program, we return the robot to a straight orientation at the end of the program. If there is not enough time for the Mindstorms Gyro sensor the correct the orientation of the robot before the end of the program, then we should do it at the end.
- #bq6c38
- 10 Jan 2018

Program for returning to the Straight line after the Robot makes an error (Integral compensating)
This is an EV3-G project that contains two programs implementing an Integral compensation - integral part of the PID algorithm. The first program is for a Five Minute Bot and the second program is for Box Robot. The things that you should be careful when using the program for your robot are the direction of the motors in the steering block; whether the motors in the steering block are written as "B+C" or "C+B" and the coefficients in the two math blocks. The coefficients that we've chosen should work for most of the robots, but will probably not work for some of them. If they don't work, write to us, comment below in the comment section or drop us an email.
- #pc76d4
- 10 Jan 2018
Blocks Package for Advanced Calibration of LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Color/Light sensors
This package contains the three blocks used in the advanced calibration section of the FLL course.
The blocks contained are:
- InitiArray block
- CalibrateMinMax
- GetCalibrateValue
- #cwqkuo
- 04 Oct 2017

Example program for using the Advanced Calibration Blocks Package
This is the example program using the blocks available at Blocks Package for Advance Calibration of LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Color/Light sensors. The program makes the robot find the minimum and maximum values and to calibrate the current sensor value depending to the min and max.
- #qo8e5r
- 04 Oct 2017