FLL 2019: Program for The City Shaper Swing (07) Robot Game Mission
Program for the FIRST LEGO League 2019 City Shaper Swing mission. The attachment is attached on the robot and it we just start the program
- #7cld4p
- 07 Aug 2020
How to express your ideas with a program language. Your instructions to the robot. Humans are also have programs - it is our DNA. The DNA of the robots are the programming instructions that we give.
Program for the FIRST LEGO League 2019 City Shaper Swing mission. The attachment is attached on the robot and it we just start the program
EV3-G program developer for the FIRST LEGO League 2019 City Shaper Elevator Mission. The robot calibrates the possible of the attachment and then moves forward and backward to complete the mission
Тези програми са примерни решения на задачите от трети урок в ниво 3.0. Програмите са направени да работят с робота Врата на трезор.
The block that constanlty increase the speed while turning. The goal of this is to reduce the acceleration of the robot when it starts turning so that no modules will fall.
There is only one input parameter in this block and this is the Angle on which you want your robot to rotate.
Програми за робот, който може да се използва като банкомат, или като умна ключалка с цветен код. Програмите прибират и избутват цветната карта и изпълняват различни звуци ако реда на цветовете е верен. Ако реда на цветовете е грешен се чува звук за грешка.
Този робот е част от урок 7 в ниво 3.0 Сигурност и охранителни системи.
Тази програма позволява на сейф робота да се отвори с парола и демонстрира как могат да бъдат откраднати вашите паролите.
The programs are designed to be used with Mintonet - a LEGO Volleyball robot.The project consists of several programs:
These are the programs for our boxing robots and their Joysticks. They are made for a game of two fighters with their respective joysticks, fighting until one is knocked out or its "heart" touch sensor is punched by the other robot. The fighters require the two "leg" motors to be connected on ports B and C and the hand medium motors on port D. The touch sensors should be connected on port 1, however keep in mind that the game may be better without them. The distance sensor has no purpose in the program as it is used only for aesthetics. The joysticks require the motor for forward and backward to be connected on port B and the motor for left and right to be connected on port A. The touch sensor operates the hands and must be connected on port 4.
EV3 PLF-блок за ЛЕГО роботи с управление на предните колела. Блокът има два коефициента на релаксация - един за завой наляво и един за завой надясно. Целта е роботът да може да следва плавно линия, когато сензорът за цвят е позициониран по-близо до едно от двете колела.
Даденият PLF-блок има следните параматри от ляво на дясно:
In this program, we return the robot to a straight orientation at the end of the program. If there is not enough time for the Mindstorms Gyro sensor the correct the orientation of the robot before the end of the program, then we should do it at the end.
This is an EV3-G project that contains two programs implementing an Integral compensation - integral part of the PID algorithm. The first program is for a Five Minute Bot and the second program is for Box Robot. The things that you should be careful when using the program for your robot are the direction of the motors in the steering block; whether the motors in the steering block are written as "B+C" or "C+B" and the coefficients in the two math blocks. The coefficients that we've chosen should work for most of the robots, but will probably not work for some of them. If they don't work, write to us, comment below in the comment section or drop us an email.
The experiment contains a plot of the Curren Power of Motors B and C and the values of the Gyro Sensor when the robot is moving with a power of 100%. What you could see is that it is not actually moving with a power of 100% because the current power is about 75-80%.
This is the example program using the blocks available at Blocks Package for Advance Calibration of LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Color/Light sensors. The program makes the robot find the minimum and maximum values and to calibrate the current sensor value depending to the min and max.
This package contains the three blocks used in the advanced calibration section of the FLL course.
The blocks contained are: