ЛЕГО „Box“ робот 3 – с три сензора за светлина и един сензор за ускорение
Това е истински състезателен робот с три сензора за светлина и един сензор за ускорение.
- #327
- 25 Jul 2017
- 3
Това е истински състезателен робот с три сензора за светлина и един сензор за ускорение.
This modification of the box robot contains large wheels. It was specially requested by you and we have it .
Той е бърз. Има две колела. Той е мотоциклет. Този мотоциклет е построен с комплектите ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3, като е използван един допълнителен среден мотор. Ако разполагате с два среди мотора – чудесно. Ако пък нямате никакви – може да построите Хендълбар – Чопър мотоциклет, направен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3, тъй като той използва един голям и един среден мотор, които са налични във всички EV3 комплект.
Засега този мотоциклет няма сензори. Той служи по-скоро за упражнение в конструирането, но ако му добавите сензори и намерите начин да ги прикрепите, изпратете ни снимка.
Присъединете се към курса A robot a "day" keeps the questions awake, където ще обсъждаме мотоциклетите по-подробно, ще се спрем на това как да ги строим и какви задачи бихме могли да изпълним с тях.
Light Cooley is an extension of Cooley. We've added two Light/Color sensors to allow for lines to be followed and for the robot to alight to them and we've kept everything Cooley was cool and known about. Build a few attachments for it and take it on a ride for a FIRST LEGO League competition
This is a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 competition robot used in FIRST LEGO League Season 2018-2019 Into Orbit following a Box Robot principle. The robot has passed through the following competitions in Brazil:
Local competition in scho
Regional: Northeast
National: Rio de Janeiro
International: Uruguay
The robot is an modular construction that you could easily build upon. It is not entirely "clean" as it has parts of it not optimezed as in the other box robots, but it is a nice example and a great work from the FLL team.
This is a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 competition robot used in FIRST LEGO League competitions and used by a team in Brazilian regionals. It followsa Box Robot principle. The robot has passed through the following competitions in Brazil:
Local competition in scholl
Regional: Northeast
National: Rio de Janeiro
International: Uruguay
It is not entirely "clean" as it has parts of it not optimezed as in the other box robots, but it is a nice example and a great work from the FLL team.
This one is also fast. It has assistant wheels, but only to keep the balance. It is built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 sets with the use of one additional Medium Motor.
Join the course A robot a "day" keeps the questions awake where we will further discuss the motors, how to build them and what tasks to accomplish with them.
In the LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor set there is only one color sensor. The original Gazon is build from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime where there are two light sensors. The idea behind this robot is to be able to build it from Robot Inventor and to use it during FIRST LEGO League competitions
After the success of the original Gazon robot from LEGO Education SPIKE Prime, we've decided the build a similar robot, but from LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor 51515. Teams are participating in the FIRST LEGO League competition with a LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor set and we know it will be helpful. But this robot can not be build from a LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor 51515 as the set has only one Color sensor. We've build a version of the Gazon robot to address this specific limitation.
This is a simple chassis that uses two motors to control the robot and two omni wheels at the back for greater maneuverability. It also have low center of the mass which makes it more stable for higher attachments.
The program for this robot is at programs/uxgw6b-roberto-bot-chassis-controls-with-modkit
This almost box robot is build from the LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor set. The idea behind this robot is to be able to build it from Robot Inventor and to use it during FIRST LEGO League competitions
This is a simple chassis that uses two motors to control the robot and two omni wheels at the back for greater maneuverability.
The program for this chassis is at programs/c0oq4l-pesho-bot-chassis-controls-with-modkit
Program for this robot is at programs/uxgw6b-roberto-bot-chassis-controls-with-modkit
Zat is fun. Zat is great. It is a simple construction for a car with 4 large wheels. And who does not like cars with large wheels. Built from LEGO SPIKE Core set 45678 + LEGO SPIKE Expansion Set 45680 we had a lot of fun with it on Sunday. It was an idea of my wife and the kids took a lot of time putting things on in and moving it around. Just put things on it and play with it.