WRO Box Collecting Robot
Building instructions for this LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot used in the World Robotics Olympiad Junior competition
- #185
- 20 Mar 2016
- 4
Building instructions for this LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robot used in the World Robotics Olympiad Junior competition
Инструкции за робот, построен от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3. Казва се Франкенщайн, тъй като двата мотора са противоположни.
Инструкции за построяване на основа за робот от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3, която може да се използва във FIRST LEGO League, World Robotics Olympiad или други състезания по роботика.
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms Base Chassis with a reversible motor
Note: This robot contains wheels that are from the NXT set.
При това шаси за робот от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 брик-ът е вертикално разположен. Това е една интересна идея, която може да бъде много полезна.
Шаси за робот от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3, при който колелата са отпред. Тъй като това шаси е построено с комплекта EV3, можете да го използвате за основа, която да надградите с приставки.
Инструкции за основа за робот от ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 с гуми 56mm, вариант 1. Тази основа може да се използва в състезания по роботика като FIRST LEGO League, World Robotics Olympiad и други.
Разновидност на състезателния робот от EV3, при който отпред има сензори за светлина.
Инструкции за ЛЕГО Mindstorms EV3 робот, който може да се построи за три минути. Можете ли да се справите? Опитайте.
Използваме този робот, когато трябва да направим нещо бързи за демонстрация или малко състезание. Просто прикрепете моторите и сте готови. Бързо е, нали.
Building instructions for a LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Multi-axles mechanism
This WRO robot is designed to collect a lot of ping pong balls in its container. It's built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 45544 and 45560 sets. These are the LEGO Educational sets. The robot has two chains that collect the balls and push them into the container attachment. This is one of the larges robots we've uploaded at FLLCasts yet. You could learn a lot by following the building instructions and paying attention to the details of how this robot is built. All the alignment, all the connections. Really beautiful.
The first of a series of attachments that we add to a World Robotics Olympiad LEGO Mindstorms Robot. The attachment is an example for collecting ping-balls. The robot and the attachment are in the same construction. The attachment is a base for a container that could be extended.
This is a ping-ball containing attachment for a World Robotics Olympiad. The attachment is building with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts. It is tiltel so that it is easier for the balls to fall off at certain points, which was part of the missions at the 2015 cmpetition.
Robot for collecting ping pong balls used in the World Robotics Olympiad competitions. It is constructed with LEGO Mindstorms EV3
This is one of the robots used in World Robotics Olympiad. It uses chains to move ping pong balls out of a container.
LEGO Mindstorms Robot Base for a high placed attachment for containing ping pong balls. It is interesting how the balance is achieved with such an attachment. It was only one of the version in a series of LEGO Mindstorms Robots for World Robotics Olympiad.
Robot building instructions for a World Robot Olympiad with a large container used for collecting ping-pong balls
Building instructions for a Robot Grabber used in the World Robotics Olympiad competition runs. The grabber is build with LEGO Mindstorms EV3. The base of the robot is available at /materials/69-wro-robot-2014-elementary
Building instructions for the catapult that could be placed over the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Brick. The idea of the catapult it to throw objects. The fact that it is over the brick makes it very convenient to place the motors below the brick and to use the Catapult.
This robot construction itself was used in the FIRST LEGO League Senior Solutions competition