FLL 2021: Cargo Connect M01 Innovation Project Model attachment
An attachment for accomplishing the Cargo Connect M01 innovation project model mission. It is used to guide the mission model.>
- #1518
- 18 Oct 2022
An attachment for accomplishing the Cargo Connect M01 innovation project model mission. It is used to guide the mission model.>
3D building instructions for the Dinosaur toy mission model from the FLL 2022 competition. Find the parts in Bag 9 of the set
This is a LEGO Education SPIKE Prime robot attachment for accomplishing the FIRST LEGO League 2020 Replay Cell Phone mission . The attachment is designed for Gazon, LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot.
This is a LEGO Education SPIKE Prime robot attachment for accomplishing the FIRST LEGO League 2020 Replay Tire Flip mission . The attachment is designed for Gazon, LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot.
Drop mission model developed with a LEGO Education SPIKE Prime. The mission is to move and drop and object in the mission model. This triggers the mission model. It is a popular mission at FLL competitions. In 3D building instructions for you to construct.
Go, robot, grab the ball!
If you want to have some fun and play some ball grabbing with your Mindstorms Robot Inventor 51515 set, these are the building instructions you'll need. As you probably know, Tricky is the smallest robot made from this set. With this ball grabbing attachment, you could program Tricky to grab the Mindstorms/Duplo ball, which is included in the set, and place it wherever you want.
You can find the LEGO set, with which this was built, by following this link.
You can find other attachments for Tricky, by following the links below:
You can find constructions created to play with Tricky, by following the links below:
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
These are instructions on how to build the:
You can find more building instructions and tips and tricks about the competition on this page.
This is the attachment to accomplish Fll 2019 M10 mission with the Dominator robot. You can see how to attach the attachment to the robot in this tutorial.
Това е насочващ механизъм, който работи и изглежда като опашка на риба, за да може да направите най-готината риба робот! Опашката използва среден мотор за да се движи наляво - надясно. Може да я свържете с други модули за да направите собствено морско същество с опашка!
Building instructions for the container mission models. The models are used in the Automated delivery mission of FLLCasts Off-season Challenge 2019.
Where do you keep your robots? We like to keep them ordered....
Actually we lied. It is almost always a mess wtih boxes and parts everywhere. We had sum FUN building this IKEA Billy and putting some of the FIRST LEGO League Mission Models.
Искаме учениците да могат да намират лесно частите и да прибират частите в указаните отделения.
Файловете се разпечатват от двете страни на хартия 160г формат А3.
Таблицата за подреждане е създадена да се събира в капака на кутията и тогава размера на гредата е 1:1. За да се събере в капака, трябва да се отрежат излишните части от картона по маркерите от предната страна на листа.
За да удължите живота на таблиците можете да ги ламинирате или с "ламинат мат" или с обикновен ламинат. Недостатъкът на обикновеният ламинат е, че има много отблясъци. Недостътъкът на "ламинат мат" е че трябва да се запечата с прозрачно лепило Ц200, за да не се отвори с времето.
Препоръчваме ви да разпечатате файла двустранно. Посоката на обръщане на листа може да бъде по късата страна, като книга. Ако желаете можете да настроите обръщането и по дългата страна. В печатницата, където ще разпечатвате ще ви помогнат с настройките.
It's the third version of the VEX IQ Easy Bot with rotated Robot Brain and castor wheel.
Building instructions for a VEX IQ attachment for throwing balls with rubber bands.
Инструкции за Модул 1 на Модулния автомобил от ЛЕГО EV3 Mindstorms - Багажник.
Целта на този робот е да научи учениците как да построяват модулни роботи. Тази първа част съдържа само един от модулите.
LEGO Mindstorms Robot Base for a high placed attachment for containing ping pong balls. It is interesting how the balance is achieved with such an attachment. It was only one of the version in a series of LEGO Mindstorms Robots for World Robotics Olympiad.
- you should attach it to the motor, depending on the orientation of the motor.