WRO Robot 2014 Elementary
Building instructions for the robot used in WRO 2014. It is a small robot with two light sensors and could be used for collecting elements.
The robot is built from LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts.
- #69
- 30 Nov 2015
- 1
There are common patterns when working with LEGO Mindstorms Sensors that could be applied to Sound, Rotation, Gyro, Color and all the other sensors.
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 and NXT include many sensors. Use of the sensors is what makes the robot powerfull.
Building instructions for the robot used in WRO 2014. It is a small robot with two light sensors and could be used for collecting elements.
The robot is built from LEGO Mindstorms EV3 parts.
This WRO robot is designed to collect a lot of ping pong balls in its container. It's built with LEGO Mindstorms EV3 45544 and 45560 sets. These are the LEGO Educational sets. The robot has two chains that collect the balls and push them into the container attachment. This is one of the larges robots we've uploaded at FLLCasts yet. You could learn a lot by following the building instructions and paying attention to the details of how this robot is built. All the alignment, all the connections. Really beautiful.
The first of a series of attachments that we add to a World Robotics Olympiad LEGO Mindstorms Robot. The attachment is an example for collecting ping-balls. The robot and the attachment are in the same construction. The attachment is a base for a container that could be extended.
This is the robot that we use to demonstrate a solution for competition. This is a Post season solution. We never release any solutions during the season as this will have a negative impact on the competition. But after the competition we try to make a review and to see how we could have accomplish it. Our goal is to be better for next year.
This robot is quite powerful. The attachment mechanism on the front is one of a kind as it can do several things with a single motor: it can lift, it can unlock, it can grab. All of this thanks to the unique mechanism of gears
This is the robot that we use to demonstrate a solution for the World Robot Olympiad 2021 Junior competition. This is a Post season solution. We never release any solutions during the season as this will have a negative impact on the competition.
We started with this robot and it has a few good ideas. It can collect two cars at the same time. We later decided to go for a more powerful robot. Check out WRO 2021 Junior: Slaimi - a post season WRO competition solution robot