Building Instructions -

FLL 2023: An attachment to partially solve M08, M15 from FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment is designed to detach, once it completes its purpose. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.
- #1906
- 19 Sep 2024

FLL 2023: An attachment to solve M01 from FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment is designed to detach, once it completes its purpose. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.
- #1908
- 19 Sep 2024

FLL 2023: An attachment to solve M10 from FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment is designed to detach, once it completes its purpose. Due to the way, the attachment is left on the mission model, it slides from, creating distance between itself and the mission model, therefore meeting the requirement that no attachment should be touching the mission model at the end of the competition. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.
- #1934
- 19 Sep 2024

FLL 2023: An attachment to solve M02 from FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 MASTERPIECE Competition
A FIRST LEGO League 2023-2024 attachment for the MiniBox Robot.
This attachment is designed to detach, once it completes its purpose. This is done, so that the team loses less time switching attachments in the base, lowering the chance of human error during the competition.
- #1967
- 19 Sep 2024

FLL 2022: Collect and pull attachment to accomplish the M4, M5 and M10 and partilly M3 and M12 missions-simultaneously
This attachment is accomplishing three missions and partly two more missions from the FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023. It is for the Chain Monster robot
- #1714
- 09 Apr 2024

FLL 2022: Deliver energy units and release hydroelectric dam energy unit attachment for Kriket Box Robot
This is a Kriket box robot attachment used for pushing a lever and precisely dropping energy units. It is used for FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPER POWERED mission call M03 Energy storage and M11 Hydroelectric Dam. This is a multi-purpose attachment that can do more than one thing at a time.
- #1701
- 15 Nov 2023

FLL 2022: Deliver attachment M01 Innovation Project FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPER POWERED Challenge
This is an attachment for the Chain Monster robot and it accomplished three missions that are all push and deliver. It technically is not used for the M09 dinosaur toy, but this is because the toy is on the robot while the attachment is below the robot
- #1686
- 24 Oct 2023

FLL 2022: Push and collect bottom attachment for Kriket Box Robot
This is an attachment for accomplishing missions from FIRST LEGO League 2022-2023 SUPER POWERED competition. We use this attachment additionally to another one that you can see the the lessons for this attachment. The goal is to execute the actions of Push and Collect, and this is the perfect passive attachment for this.
- #1699
- 24 Oct 2023

FLL 2021: Cargo Connect M13 Platooning Trucks attachment
This attachment was intended for and tested on the Gazon, LEGO Education SPIKE Prime competition robot. It is meant to help the robot complete the 13th mission of the FLL Cargo Connect competition.
- #1515
- 18 Apr 2023