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Onwards and cupwards - LEGO SPIKE Prime cup lifting robot

This robot is designed to easily lift a cup while still holding it upright. With its motor attached to the side of the hub, the robot can lift the cup to any angle you want. You could replace the LEGO cup and make it lift real cups with a few adjustments. Be careful around liquids though, the robot doesn't like beverages like you do!

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  • FLLCasts Team Six months
  • FLLCasts School Student One Year
  • FLLCasts Personal B One Year
  • FLLCasts School

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Image for Onwards and cupwards - LEGO SPIKE Prime cup lifting robot

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Image for Onwards and cupwards - LEGO SPIKE Prime cup lifting robot

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Image for Onwards and cupwards - LEGO SPIKE Prime cup lifting robot

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  • #1086
  • 07 Oct 2020

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